We Hate to See You Go!
What happens after I submit the cancellation request?

Once you submit your cancellation request, an email confirming the receipt of your request will be sent to you. If you do not get this email within 24 hours, we did not receive your cancellation request. If this happens, please contact WIPS directly to make the cancellation request. Your plan will remain active and the premium will continue until a payment is missed or you officially cancel it.

Once it is confirmed that we have your request, please allow us 48 hours to verify your identity and close your account. Your account will remain active until you receive our second email confirming you were canceled successfully. Your WIPA will automatically closed if it is forced to due to nonpayment. View the payment center webpage for more information about account payment.

When will my cancellation be effective?

Web Insurance Plan premiums are paid at least 30 days in advance. If you cancel your plan in the middle of your active month, your account will remain active until the next renewal date and you will continue to have access to your account until that time.

For instance, if your premium is due on the 5th of January and you cancel on the 15th, your account and services will remain active until February 5th to complete the premium month. All premium billing will end on the date that your receive the cancellation confirmation.

If you want the cancellation to be effective on any date other than the next renewal date, please let us know when we contact you to confirm your cancellation so we can cancel the account according to your instructions.

What happens to my Griotcoins left in my WIPA?

Griotcoins are not transferrable - nor can they be converted to cash. If you have Griotcoins left in your WIPA, you will forfeit them once the account is closed. For this reason, we suggest that you use your coins BEFORE submitting a cancellation ticket. Read more about Griotcoins for details.
How Do I Cancel My Account?

If you are having difficulty using your account or if something is not working as expected, please feel free to contact us. We will be happy to assist you and work to resolve any issues you may have.

If you no longer want Web Property coverage, please submit a ticket to our support desk with the Web Address of the Web Property you no longer want coverage for entered in the "subject" field. To help expedite your request, please contact us via the primary email address associated with the domain name or provide us the order number.

(Note: Canceling your Web Insurance Plan will automatically cancel your web hosting services. You will be given the opportunity to switch to a web hosting plan during your plan cancellation).
Flexible Plans to Fit Your Time and Budget

We offer carefully-created web maintenance plans to cover every normal situation that may arise when owning a GriotSites Web Hosting & Designs custom developed Web Property. Additional services are available for services not covered under current available WIPs.
Got Questions About Web Coverage? Contact WIP at (888) 600-2011