We've Got Your Web Property Covered!


There are some circumstances that my arise that will force us to cancel a WIPA. This article will discuss in details these particular circumstances.

Voluntary WIPA Cancellation

If you no longer desire to subscribe to our web maintenance plans, you can voluntarily cancel your account by sending us a Support Ticket at least 72 hours BEFORE your WIPP is due. Just like most plans, if you cancel your WIPA after the minimum time stated, you will be required to pay your WIP 2 months in advance instead of 1 if you decide to reactivate your WIPA in the future. To cancel a WIP, contact our WIPS or submit a cancellation request.

Submit a ticket to our support desk with the Web Address of the Web Property you no longer want coverage for entered in the "subject" field. To help expedite your request, please contact us via the primary email address associated with your WIPA.

(Note: Canceling your Web Insurance Plan will automatically cancel your web hosting services. You will be given the opportunity to switch to a web hosting plan during your plan cancellation).

WIPA Cancellation Due to Non-Payment

If your WIPA is not received within 24 hours AFTER the due date of your WIPP, your WIPA will automatically deactivate if the system does not register the required payment. Remember that WIP is a pre-paid web maintenance system, so if a payment is not received on time, the missed payment will prompt our system to shut down your WIPA.

WIPA Cancellation Due to Account Abuse

If we suspect that a WIPA account is being abused for any reason, the WIP will be suspended until a full investigation is performed to verify if the WPO is violating our Terms of Services. If it is determined that a WIPA is in violation, the WIPA will be closed indefinitely. Web Properties that no longer qualify for an active WIP can still request web maintenance using Griotcoins.

To learn more about WIP Cancellations, visit our article “Cancelling Web Insurance Plans”.

Flexible Plans to Fit Your Time and Budget


Our firm designs Web Properties (websites) for small businesses and startups. We are committed to providing a simple and affordable way for  Web Property Owners to maintain their website. Web Insurance Plans are only available to GriotSites Web Property Owners. Join the GriotSites Family and enjoy exclusive Web Tools and Services.

Web Insurance Plans™
Website Maintenance Division at GriotSites Web Hosting & Designs
Casa Grande, AZ 85122
(888) 600-2011



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