Your contact information is solely for in-house use at Griot International, LLC. Your information will be used to verify your WIPA before processing the request. Your information will remain on our secured database and will not be share or used for any other purpose than what is stated.
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When You Need to Change Web Insurance Plans Changing your WIP is an easy process and we are happy to assist you in this change. If you wish to cancel your WIP altogether, visit “how to cancel my WIP”. To upgrade/downgrade your current WIP, use the form method below:
If you already have a web maintenance plan in place from a non-authorized GriotSites Webmaster and wish to register your Web Property for a WIP, please be advise that we will not collaborate with any non-GriotSites individual or team simultaneously. This means that if someone else has or is maintaining your Web Property, a site evaluation is required in order to obtain a WIP. The evaluation consists of a thorough code check to determine if your Web Property qualifies for our maintenance plans. We do this for the same reason a mechanic evaluates another mechanics work before deciding to perform additional tasks.
Some mechanics will refuse to work on a car because the previous mechanic may have performed tasks that were more of a patch job than a resolution. Attempting to correct someone else's mechanical mistakes can become quite costly for car owners, and depending on the cost of the repairs, he/she may opt to purchase a different car instead of spending the extra money to repair the broken vehicle.
Our thought process is on the same lines as a mechanic; and if it is determined that your codes have been manipulated, depending on how much restoration is needed to correct a Web Property's code, you may be advised to obtain a “Web Property Facelift” that will fix the codes and make the necessary changes to restore your Web Property to its original state.
Maintenance work performed by Non-GriotSites Webmasters
It is important to think carefully before deciding which WIP to switch. When upgrading/downgrading your WIP, make sure that the plan is a good fit for your Web Property needs. Contact a WIPS if you need assistance in choosing the best WIP.
If you declined web maintenance coverage for your Web Property but need maintenance work performed periodically, you must purchase Griotcoins™ in order to obtain these services. What is the difference between a IWP or a UWP? IWP stands for Insured Web Property and UWP stands for Uninsured Web Property. All Web Properties that are not on an active WIP are considered “uninsured” and must use Griotcoins™ in order to request maintenance services. View “about Web Insurance Plans” to learn the benefits of having web maintenance coverage for your Web Property.
Got Questions About Web Coverage? Contact WIP at (888) 600-2011
Flexible Plans to Fit Your Time and Budget
We offer carefully-created web maintenance plans to cover every normal situation that may arise when owning a GriotSites Web Hosting & Designs custom developed Web Property. Additional services are available for services not covered under current available WIPs.